Why Becoming a Lifelong Learner is Key in Your Career
Let us start with the global trends to explain this Viking Rule, as Technological Innovation and Demographic changes are transforming the world of work. On the one hand, automation, robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the production processes and business models in all sectors of the economy. The labour demand is being modified according to the new skills and knowledge required by the new business environment. Against this background, the workforce must be trained to adapt to the new market circumstances. On the other hand, we have demographic trends, which in developed economies translate into an aging population that puts pressure on the social welfare systems. The solution in many cases is to extend the working life to maintain social security systems. In a nutshell , we will foreseeably have to work a greater number of years in the future. In summary, we have two major trends in the labour market: a continuous innovation process that rapidly cha...