Viking Rules to Build a Successful Career
Everyone has a place in the labour market.
Nevertheless, sometimes, specially when we face difficulties in our way, we perceive our place is hard to find.These guidelines are mainly aimed at recently graduated students who look for their first job.
I have named these rules as "Viking" as they remind me of the attitude of these brave Scandinavians.
The rules include both personal and professional aspects, and short & long term actions. Naturally, these rules apply equally to men and women.
A) Get to know yourself
B) Understand what the market needs
C) Invest continuously in training
D) Act as a Viking
In short, you have to know what you are good at and what you like to define where you want to go. Then, you need a good map of the labour market to understand what the market needs and where your profile and interests fit best. In addition, you need to invest continuously in your soft skills and knowledge to stay updated, and be flexible and act with determination to explore any opportunity that may arise in your path.
In the following posts I will develop these ideas in more detail. Feel free to contact me or leave your comments below. By the way, the Spanish version is already available in the following link - Reglas Vikingas.